424 S. Main Street North Wales, PA 19454

Dance Information

Dances are held in the St. Rose parish Center on several Saturday evenings throughout the year.


Expectations and Guidelines for Catholic Grade School Dances

A. Respect for self/peers/adults

B. Common courtesy

C. Appropriate dancing

D. Acceptable Christian behavior

E. Appropriate dress

F. Picture I.D. required

G. Must remain until dance dismisses

H. Follow host schools dismissal procedures

Consequences of Infractions:

First Offense: Verbal Warning

Second Offense: Call the parent to remove the child from the dance.

Repeat Offenses will result in the exclusion from the host school's dances for the remainder of the school year.

Major Infractions:

A. Immoral behavior

B. Possession of dangerous or disruptive devices or substances

C. Sexual harassment

D. Theft

E. Vandalism

F. Fighting

G. Leaving the dance without permission

H. Smoking or having cigarettes or tobacco products in possession

I. Any other serious or dangerous infractions determined by the chaperones


A. Parents will be called immediately to remove the student from the dance.

B. The host school will inform the child's school administrator of the incident.

C. The student will not be permitted to attend any other dances for the remainder of the school year.