424 S. Main Street North Wales, PA 19454

Worship Ministries

altar servers 2Altar Servers

Boys and girls of the parish, beginning with the fourth grade through high school, are invited to be altar servers. the time commitment is minimal; just a willingness to serve any of the weekend Masses about 1-2 times per month. This is a wonderful way the youth and teens of our parish can serve the Lord. Contact the Parish office at 215-699-4617 or stroselima@srol.org

Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion

In ever increasing numbers lay people are serving their Church as special ministers of the Eucharist - a ministry that Pope Paul VI called “an important office of immense love.” Here at St. Rose, we have about 40 active Extraordinary Ministers who assist the priests and deacons with the distribution of the Eucharist under both species as well as taking Communion to the home-bound ill of our parish. If you feel the calling to serve your fellow parishioners in this special way and would like to be considered for appointment (note, minimum age is 18 years), contact Msgr. Graham at the Parish office.  For additional information about this ministry before approaching Msgr. Graham, Contact Amanda McDonald.

Gift Bearers

Chalice and wheat 1Bringing the gifts of bread and wine to the Eucharistic Table is a great privilege and an opportunity for all parishioners to richly participate in the liturgy as a representative of the parish family. We invite our parishioners, either as a family or an individual, to be gift bearers on a date and Mass time that are most convenient for you. It is easy to do and the ushers will direct you. Kindly arrive for Mass ten minutes early and inform the ushers you would like to bring up the gifts. After the offertory, the celebrant will walk forward to greet the gift bearers, who then take the gifts from the table and bring them to him. This action serves your parish family and enhances the spiritual unity as a people gathered to love one another as Jesus loved us.


St. Rose is blessed with many wonderful people who proclaim the Lord’s word each week. The one thing they have in common is the desire and dedication to present God’s word to his people in a reverent and expressive manner. Our lectors range in age from 16 to 70+ years of age. If you would like to join us, contact Amanda McDonald @ amanda@srol.org  You will be given training and a workbook with all the readings for the year along with suggestions, pronunciations and explanations.

Music Ministry

If you have a desire share your musical talent with the parish, please contact Amanda McDonald, Director of Music, at 215-699-4617.  



Cantors and Musicians

Cantors lead the congregation in song at Mass and proclaim the psalm. Musicians provide musical support at Mass. 



Ministers of Hospitality


Ushers provide hospitality to all who enter the church, assist as necessary, provide for taking up the offertory and offer guidance to gift bearers. They also hand out the bulletins and neaten the church after each Mass. Contact Ed Oswald at 215-699-4939.


greeter ministryGreeters offer a smile and extend a warm welcome to all who join us for worship and attend parish events.  When a person steps into our church we want them to know we are happy to see them. Every parishioner is invited to serve as a greeter. If you can smile you can be a greeter!  Once trained in this ministry, you will be given a Greeter badge. Contact Amanda McDonald at amanda@srol.org


SacristanSacristans assist the clergy by unlocking and preparing the church for Mass and other liturgical events. This may include readying the wine, water, and bread and putting them in place for the start of mass, assisting the altar servers and cleaning the holy materials after mass. Young men and women of high school and college age are encouraged to consider this service. Contact Monsignor Graham at 215-699-4617.