Contact the Parish office at 215-699-4617 regarding: Anointing of the Sick, Baptism, Marriage, Rite of Christian Burial and Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults (RCIA).
For information on the reception of First Holy Communion, First Reconciliation or Confirmation, please contact our Director of Religious Education at 215-699-4434.
The Pastor should be notified as soon as possible when a parishioner is in need of the sacrament. This sacrament is celebrated whenever requested. We rely on family and friends to inform the parish office when a loved one becomes seriously ill or is hospitalized.
Arrangements for Baptism must be made in advance through the Parish office. Pre-Jordan class (~1 hour) is a prerequisite for first-time parents anticipating the baptism of a child. Please contact the Parish office at 215-699-4617 or to register for Pre-Jordan. You are welcome to begin the process prior to the birth of your baby!
First time parents seeking baptism for their child must attend a Baptism class for parents. Classes are held every other month on a weekday evening at 7:00 p.m. in the Parish Center. The class teaches parents the importance of the Sacrament of Baptism, as well as the history of Baptism and the role the St. Rose community plays in nurturing a child's Catholic faith. Please contact the Parish office 215-699-4617 or to register to attend.
For information go to Dynamic Catholic Education Page - Second Grade
Confessions are heard on Saturday afternoons from 3:00-3:45 p.m. Other times are available by contacting the Parish office to make an appointment.
Couples must contact the Pastoral Services Administrator by calling the Parish office 215-699-4617 at least 6 months in advance. Pre-Cana is required of all engaged couples. Contact the parish office for program details.
The Marriage Preparation program is a joint ministry of St. Rose of Lima Parish and St. Anthony of Padua Parish in Ambler. The program is on Friday evening and all day Saturday and is presented by married couples and a priest/deacon. The program provides valuable information and helpful tips in areas such as couple communication, adjustments, in-laws, sexuality, and the spiritual side of marriage. The Pre-Cana team assists engaged couples by sharing stories of the building of their own strong relationships. Couples satisfy the requirement for their pre-marriage instruction in an informal and enjoyable environment. Mass is an important part of this program and is celebrated at the end of the day with certificates being presented at the end of Mass. Please call the Parish office at 215-699-4617 for information and dates for the next scheduled Marriage Preparation program. Currently, due to COVID-19 Marriage Preparation is being offered online.
The St. Rose of Lima Natural Family Planning Ministry (NFP) communicates information to parishioners on a natural, safe, effective and holistic approach to family planning. NFP may be used as a resource to achieve or delay pregnancy. It is not based on "rhythm," which has been obsolete for more than thirty-five years. Orientation on NFP is provided primarily through the twice a year marriage preparation event. Information is also available for numerous NFP classes in our area. NFP is safe, involves no artificial ingredients and it works!
RITE OF CHRISTIAN BURIAL (Funeral Arrangements)
Arrangements for funerals are coordinated by the Funeral Home of your choice. At the passing of your loved one, please make arrangements with a Funeral Home so that they may contact St. Rose of Lima.
RCIA is a gathering of adults who explore, inquire, discuss and learn about the Catholic faith. All are welcome! Many are non-Catholics, happy in their own faith tradition but interested in learning more about our Church. Others are practicing Catholics enjoying learning more about their faith in an informal adult gathering and sharing their faith. And, many are people discerning Baptism or coming into Full Communion with the Catholic Church ("becoming Catholic").
We invite you to look deeper into the Catholic faith.
Click here to learn about how children and teens may prepare to receive First Holy Communion, First Reconciliation or to be Confirmed. We invite and encourage all parishioners, regardless of age or learning differences, to contact us so we may partner with you in ensuring an appropriate faith formation and sacrament preparation experience is available for all our St. Rose of Lima parishioners.