424 S. Main Street North Wales, PA 19454

Finance Council


The Finance Council is a consultant group under the authority of the Pastor.

The Council assists with administration of parish goods, through studies analysis, reflects and monitors the budget and other financial issues as needed. Volunteers are selected by the pastor and have experience in accounting, property management, budgeting, or other business related activities.

The Parish Finance Council is required by Canon Law and regulated by the same law. The Finance Council was legislated for the first time in history in the 1983 code, and ours was accordingly established at St. Rose of Lima in 1984.

In keeping with the law, the pastor is the chairman of the council. The council is consultative; that is, it makes recommendations and gives advice to the pastor. Over the years the council has given much good advice and has made a major contribution to the continued financial health of our parish.

The parish priests and bookkeeper serve on the council and the bookkeeper serves as secretary.

Membership of this council is by appointment by the pastor; however, any parishioner who feels that he or she could help with the work of the council, and who would like to serve, is invited to submit his or her name to the pastor or to the business manager for consideration as vacancies occur. The council welcomes (signed) suggestions from parishioners, which may be directed to it through the Pastor.