424 S. Main Street North Wales, PA 19454


H.O.P.E. - Helping Other Parishioners

"We must not fail to help our neighbors, 
because in them we serve Jesus."
St. Rose of Lima

Please contact the parish office if you or someone you know in the parish needs HOPE services. Our volunteers are willing and able to help you. For assistance, kindly call the Parish Office at 215-699-4617.

HOPE services include:

  • Transportation to Sunday Mass at St. Rose, doctors' appointments, hospitals, pharmacies, and banks
  • Prescription pick-up
  • Help with food shopping
  • Get-well cards
  • Visits and phone calls to homebound parishioners
  • Meals for parishioners in crisis situations (could be homemade or store bought)
  • Other essential services as needed

For questions or to volunteer, contact the parish office at 215-699-4617 or stroselima@srol.org